HEAVY USER for 20 years. YOU NEED THE 10 days detox.
My husband was a heavy user for over 20 years. He smoked wax daily a few times a day with a high tolerance. We only had 7 days notice to take care of him but it turned out he was experimenting early morning on the 7th day so he really only had 6 days of full toxin rid treatment. He did the home experimentation everyday up until the 5th day showing a positive response. On the 7th morning, the day of the experimentation, he drank a mega clean 32oz drink and the powder drink as recommended by toxin rid and then experimented. The experimentation came out with a faint negative. Nervously, we figured it could go either way as he needed the extra time. HE PASSED a blood experimentation and urine experimentation. I don’t know if the mega clean is what helped but we prayed because this is a really good job! He got the job by the grace of GOD and toxin rid. FOLKS don’t risk it. If you are a heavy user just pay the extra money for shipping because its guaranteed, but you have to quit smoking. We also did sauna’s, colonics, lemon drinks etc. but it was toxin rid!