One of my friends recommended this product to me, and it actually works I just took the experimentation that came with the detox and PASSED. My inital thoughts, I was going to have uncontrollable diarrhea and have to call out of my current job for a few days, but not the case. Dont get me wrong your gonna poo, and its pretty gross but majority of your toilet adventures come on day 5 when you drink the terrible tasting toxin liquid with 16oz of water that day you may want to have off. Oh and buy baby wipes, trust me your gonna need them. Im 6ft 1in 184lbs, I ate generally healthy as recommened, I did break some of the rules tho. I switched from regular cigarettes to electronic for the 5 days, and had around 5 beers on day 4 Its recommended that you dont because it counteracts the detox. I was a pretty heavy MJ smoker and quit 5 days prior to starting the detox. So im pleasntly suprised and happy I did it, and ready for whatever experimentation is thrown my way. Thanks Toxinrid!